Lyric discussion by Blackmofasa9 

I first remember paying attention to this song the day before valentines day and the day after my girl friend broke up with me. It sort of encapsulated every essence of being in bed with her that night wishing I could make her fall back in love with me. I pulled every stunt I could think of to try and change her mind including public humiliation to make her smile to try to rouse any fond feeling from her. By then we were both near tears and we fell silent until this song came on and that did us both in. Much like a dream it marked one of the last times we'd ever feel intimacy with eachother again.

So in modern times I'm taken back to that memory and it's like a nightmare because Bens music is like tracing love from it's downfall and decay back to it's origins and everything between but since I focus on the bad parts it's hard to relate to him feeling alright with it because those are the memories that hinder the moving on proccess. Love almost seems hopeless with him because when he's happy it's still got that slight melencholic nostalgia somewhere. He almost makes me want to never love again.

This might be my 100th post by the way. I hope it is because this is a great song to have it on

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