Lyric discussion by jsaul 

This song is almost good enough to redeem much of the rest of "Don't Tell a Soul"...but not quite. Some of the lyrics in this song are really good, and some seem like filler. I wonder if it was half written when they brought it to the studio. Anyway, its still a great listen because the melody is so good. Too bad so much of "Don't Tell a Soul" feels so forced - its like a once-great tv show that has finally jumped the shark. (Sopranos Season 6, anyone?)

Good: A dream too tired to come true Left a rebel without a clue


You be me for a while and I'll be you

Filler: Well, I laughed half the way to Tokyo I dreamt I was Surfer Joe An' what that means, I don't know


Lonely, I guess that's where I'm from If I was from Canada then I'd best be called lonesome

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