Lyric discussion by firehorse66 

I don't think it's about the Buddha. Why would he use the Argus as a symbol? Why not Jesus or some other actual reborn spiritual figure (unless the Argus myth does in fact include rebirth as a theme, which I don't know). Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. How would the mythology scholars interpret those first lines though? It does seem pretty clearly to be a reincarnation reference. Any aspect of re-birth to the Argus myth? Otherwise, I think the rest of the song is pretty straight-forwardly about the Argus itself, as explained by the previous comments. Awesome song to play on acoustic guitar, though it doesn't translate to a live audience so well- they don't seem to know what to make of it, but I keep playing it anyway because I know it's a great song regardless.

After Argus was killed, its hundred eyes were preserved in the tail of peacocks, which is quite like rebirth.

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