Lyric discussion by motorbreath23 

LMFAO... really its been hilarious reading all of these entries. I find it fascinating that with all the information out there on the internet people still show up here guessing and surmising, along with the the odd teenager who just wants to come on here and say the naughty words his parents wont let him say (infectionspread... go take some ritalin and stfu).

The "true" lyrics in the translation are:

No, Woman, Non Cry.

NON not no. "Non" is the jamaican slang-shortened version of the English "Don't". For some reason when the albums were first printed they said "No Woman No Cry", but after awhile those who were close to Bob had the song re-labeled as No

How the F can you not get it after "don't shed no teears" and "dry your eyes"????

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