Lyric discussion by SuperGnat 

"When I drank the world's sin"? I don't see how this song could be interpreted as being in a relationship with another human. It seems to me to just be a love song from God's point of view to humankind. The song is saying that even when you are at your lowest and you feel like you can't take another step, God will hold you in the palm of his hand and be unconditionally "by your side." This may be the best song ever made. I've had it for 9 months, and it's approaching 600 plays on my iTunes.

This song reminds me very vividly of a certain time in my life. This past March, when I was 16 (still am), my then-best friend, who is a guy, seemed like he was starting to change a little and drift from me and his other friends, and then I found out he was going out with a certain girl who I'd always known and had always warned him was completely not right for him. Besides the fact that we'd very recently admitted to each other that we liked each other as more than best friends, I'd seen the way his relationships had gone in the past and I was extremely concerned about him getting into another one. This was the best song I could think of to send to him to remind him of how much God loves him and doesn't want him to hurt himself. Upon receiving this song from me, he said that I apparently knew him better than I thought I did; he has always tried to "earn grace" instead of just accepting it. I reminded him that he was still searching for empty love as though God were not enough, and I reminded him of how much God and I both loved him, and that we would never let him go, and that Jesus died to give him life to the fullest...but unfortunately, we very quickly went from best friends to strangers, and he basically dropped off the face of the earth for 5 months and didn't see anyone but his girlfriend. Ever since then, I have prayed with all my heart that he would realize his mistake and get out of that relationship, and last Thursday, he did. I finally talked to him today, and it was normal and wonderful. Thank God for answered prayers--he really is by our side, and by YOUR side. Anyway...sorry for giving my life story, but this song is such an incredible expression of how much God really, really loves us and will ALWAYS be there for us. When you're at your lowest, or when you need anything, you can always look up. I will never get tired of this song. :)

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