Lyric discussion by JohnnyTemptation 

Cover art for Standing Next To Me lyrics by Last Shadow Puppets, The

here is my thoughts on this song, or at least, my interpritation. ok so our guy, the guy who is singing, he has a GirlFriend, and there is another guy(i'll refurr to him as X) so X is trying to steal away the Girlfriend of our guy. and my interpritation of "want her, have her, 2years have gone now but i cant relaite to the games that u play" hes basically saying "if u want to try to get my girl, go ahead, TRY, ive been with her for 2years and u aint getting nowhere with her, and im not gonna play these little games with u so i can keep the girl that i already have and it would be a waste of time on my part"

where he says "as desire passes thru then youll open to the truth i hope u understand and your love is standing next to me" MY INTERPRITATION- "when you're done liking my girl, THATS when you will be able to see clearly that she is with me and she is in love with me and she isnt going to leave me for you"

"the one you fell for, makes it too juvinile, and youll laugh at yourself again and again, and we'll drink to the thought that she'll remember you, maybe tomorrow" MY INTERPRITATION= "the fact that you're 'in love' with my girl-that u bearly know, is kiddish and childish, you'll look back on this and laugh one day on how silly this situation really is...and shes gonna forget u so u shud forget her"

well thats my inturpentation of this complex song. As poet, this song is pure and i enjoyed the medium in which it was presented to me(music) I love the shadow puppets for this reason.

One love, J. Temptation (

I was thinking something like this as well, thanks for writing it down so clearly.

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I was thinking something like this as well, thanks for writing it down so clearly.

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