Lyric discussion by backinburntcity 

I see this song as actually more depressing than the other interpretation on here suggests, but still, y'know, with a glint of hope in it. Here's what I think:

I think he's talking about life in general... 'Some say we walk alone' = we go through life alone, as in with no divine power or force like God or fate or anything like that guiding us, with just ourselves and other people to depend on -- an existential idea; 'Barefoot on wicked stone, no light' = In continuous pain and darkness, since life can be interpreted as essentially, as bad as it sounds, suffering and more suffering as you get older and older, and though there are always moments of contentment, for some (and maybe for Farris, who I assume wrote these lyrics, correct me if I'm wrong), all they see life as is pain and they can't focus on the positives; 'and sanctuary found never waits around awhile' = you always end up losing the happiness you find in life at some point or another;

'Marching to the sea their dreams stay in the shadows their dreams stay firmly rooted in the shallows' = The sea being an infinite abyss, sounds like it represents death here, so throughout our lives we head closer and closer, stuck on this path (hence 'marching'), to our unavoidable deaths, usually never fully realizing the dreams we have and leaving them behind once the burden of family and work and all that catches up with us; 'See the scraping sky See my destination there tonight' = Basically, even though he knows he's stuck on this path to death, he's still "aiming for the sky", he's resolved to try to achieve his dreams and whatnot unlike others who leave them behind as they get older. Not sure why 'scraping', maybe because his desire to get off this path and achieve what we wants is always nagging at him, 'scraping' at his mind.

'Will you leap to follow Will you turn and go Will your dreams stay rooted in the shallows' = He's asking someone if they'll join him in the new path he wants to take, or if they'll just be like everyone else.

'Though youth may fade with boyhood's cares New fear will catch us unawares I know it will' = After the confused, angsty fears of adolescence fade, with adulthood comes new fears.

'So you might say the path we share is one of danger and of fear until the end' = So, with that previous thought in mind, one can conclude that 'the path we share', life, is ruled by fear right up until death.

ANYHOW, sorry for the very long-winded comment, and it does sound pretty depressing this way, but that's my interpretation of this brilliant song.

  • Viv

i personally do not equate anything i consider brilliant with being may be heavy and depict an existence filled with challenges....but it doesnt have to be depressing....without down theres no sweet without in without losin it a bit ///music may make me feel sad....but i see sad as a beautiful this case the words are cool= the realization of his existence and the challenges that he is compelled to face and prevail over...or die words.......but the music is godlike.......or just god...

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