Lyric discussion by heyho007 

I see what Alex is trying to say. He's from a small town in Maryland, he grew up there with all of his friends,until ATL got very successful with their music, they ended up having to spend a lot of time in LA and NYC. You can see it's based on them having to be away from all their close ones, and they describe the fact that they meet 'fake' people in those cities. It's more based on LA. He thinks he isn't the right person to end up walking on a red carpet in LA, like they do for example at the woodie awards or mtv awards. He never expected this to happen, and still isn't sure if it's right, so he does not wants to be part of it, he's just throwing away days in such city, and just wants to stay home where he'd belong. He wonders how on earth he ended up there, so the whole point of this song is, to get away from somewhere you're not sure wether it's the place for you, and avoid friends slipping away, because of being away for such a long time, due to their musical career. I'm from LA, and i don't like that fact Alex wrote that kids are named after cars, friend of a famous person....etc. It's because in reality, people in LA or NYC aren't like that, 98 percent of the people here are middle class folks, raising families, and they surely don't name their kids after cars, and i know that, People are normal here, not fake, a lot of people have the image of ppl not being real here, i don't see it that way, maybe cause i'm from here, but i understand what alex is trying to say, he's from somewhere else, and may not belong to such place, because of all his friends back home. I totally get him, i wouldn't want to leave LA for NYC for example. because of my friends and families. It;s based on sticking to where you belong to and friends.

i'm from maryland. i love where they're from, towson has the best mall EVER. they had a signing there the other day, i went to the mall that day but didn't go to the signing. i remember when they only had 1 all time low shirt in select hot topics ONLY in maryland. i was so eager to get it... that was so long ago. now i walk by the HUGE group of people there to see them, laughing at all their fan girls (some who wrote lyrics ALL over their bodies...). it's pretty great when you know a band from the...

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