Lyric discussion by MyOvenCanCookBitsOfOven 

I have a slightly different slant on the song but essentially similar;

"I'm here for you," she said and we can stay for awhile, my boyfriend's gone
we can just pretend. So he meets this girl who's cheating obviously

Lips that need no introduction She does it alot, and probably she's known around the place Now who's the greater sin I feel like here he's referring to other sins -drugs, lies, etc, and asking which is the worst out of what she does? Your drab eyes seem to invite She's attractive to him, but the use of the phrase "drab eyes" either indicates she's high or that because of her sin she holds less attraction for him (tell me darling) Where do we begin. Here he's sort of saying darling where do I even begin in trying to figure out what is your worst sin? or where do I even begin in explaining whats wrong with what you're doing

CHORUS- She never had any real care for him, it was over before it began. Its mostly self-explanatory, her crutch is probably the buzz she gets from reeling guys in.

Everyone in this town is seeing somebody else Everybody's tired of someone our eyes wander for help Self explanatory he is losing faith in society

Prayers that need no answer now I'm tired of who I am He's frustrated at himself for falling for her tricks, perhaps his prayers need no answer because he knows he brings it upon himself You were my greatest mistake I fell in love with your sin Your littlest sin He feels guilty for being associated with this girl, or perhaps not being able to help her out of her own mess. He is attracted to her because of her promiscuity, which is her smallest sin in comparison to drugs, lies, cheating.

Failure is your disease She lives to fail and thrives in sin You want my outline drawn If he stays near her she will destroy him either by causing him to sin or by him falling in love with her and watching her destroy herself, it reminds me of the brand new quote "If you let me have my way I swear I'll tear you apart" You were my greatest failure Again failure in saving her from herself Discourse your saving song Discourse means communicating, she is probably very good at acting cute and drawing guys in. Guys don't really like girls who are absolute dirty hoes lol so this allows her to draw guys in and still have people like her. It saves her from looking like a complete sinner

Thats what I think the song means anyway...I sort of relate it to myself so its probably a bit biased. Its hard to explain why people act in self-destructive ways but you do get a buzz from drawing guys in and getting them to care about you then sort of tossing them aside. I feel like many guys including my ex have this opinion towards me.. they have cared about me and wished they could have saved me from some of the things I do. I am sort of good at acting cutesy as well xD

I like the line "I fell in love with your sin". I feel like it refers to how guys love it when chicks will randomly sleep with them, but the next day they'll just have no real respect and laugh with their friends about what hoes they are. The thing that they like about them is also the thing that they despise.

Moral of the Story- Don't trust a hoe :P

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