Lyric discussion by hellopeople 

I've been a BD fan for a while now. Knew OF this song, but never really listened to it. Bored at the lyrics....listened on youtube. What a gorgeous song.

This was written back in the day when Dylan was super charged with a feel for what is right and what is just. He was so attuned to the real warmth of things amidst a cold or crazy world. He had a feel and touch for arcing his songs around that kind of feeling. His melodies did it, his voice did it, his harmonica did it and if that wasn't enough...he wrote lyrics of beauty and truth and skill and quality.

Lay Down Your Weary Tune, like someone posted earlier is basically a song where the singer stands in awe of creation...of earth, of nature. He stands in awe, humbled in his own his own struggles to express himself. It says that the true melodies are played by the trees and the oceans, the mornings and the sky...and what's more, they don't need applause. Beauty and life is in nature and sometimes, when we can't express it, that's where we should look. That Bob Dylan managed to use the theme of a struggle for expression in a song about where to find true expression...and have the song be expressive....well that's pretty damn good.

I think 'awe' is the wrong word to use. He doesn't really stand in awe...he stands in a more subtle way...something like the way a tired child might come to his mother's arms...fall to her and be held, eyes half closed. Or like someone who's walked a long way and finally come home. So I think standing in 'awe' is wrong...that kind of implies some kind of mejesty...when really it's something more humble than's standing in love maybe....I don't know

It's a great song. I need more time to think about it. I only just heard it today.

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