Lyric discussion by alovelyfadeout 

I think the entire song is about recalling a relationship, and its natural progression. The lines "the moon is so hollow, what's the use/ when I can see right through you, what's the use?" remind me of the point in a relationship where you can tell when the other person is bluffing so to speak. You know when they're pretending, or what their true intentions are at this point.

My favorite lines in it: "All the hearts that touch your cheek- how they jump, they move, they embarrass" reminds me of the actual progression of a relationship that I mentioned before. In the beginning your heart "Jumps" with excitement, then as the relationship furthers you "Move" with it and with the other person, then finally, when you reach that stage when you feel like there's no point in being in the relationship anymore, you "Embarrass" because before you were so blind and naive.

There are more parts to it, but I was mainly moving off of that last quote which inspired my interpretation.

Also I like the fact that she calls lips "hearts" in that line. As if when you kiss someone you are touching them with your heart, I suppose that relates to the facade of it all.

I like your interpretation. and in this especific part ''what's the use when I can see right through you'' i think it's not only about recognizing when a person lies to you, or what are the true intentions, but also losing the excitement of not knowing what the person is thinking, or what it is willing to do. it's like not being surprise anymore, no way. losing charm. when dialogue turns unecessary because you already know what the other one is going to say.

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