Lyric discussion by hilarysayshi 

I think this is about waking up with someone you slept with, since you got so intoxicated and didn't know what you were doing.

"i don't hate you or want you enough to wake you " She doesn't dislike the guy, but doesn't care about him enough to wake him up and try to get to know him

"there's a crack in the window, return of the key in ignition " She leaves, in her car

"so if you freeze tomorrow come back lucky we said as your eyes were closing" She's remembering them talking about like "wow this is fun, but we're drunk so we might not actually like each other. If we still are into each other tomorrow, we can always see each other then" as they were falling asleep.

And the lucky part, I think it's because they both felt lucky to meet someone they were so into. But they were drunk and she realizes that the next morning, she doesn't care for him at all.

Sorry that probably made NO sense but that's just what the song made me think of haha

I believe the context at the start of the song is the tomorrow the song is about, but not necessarily drunk or even a one night stand . She already woke up and they (we said...) agreed to break up unless the weather was freezing (as in, whatever higher power you believe in sends it as a sign). The window of the car is cracked open, so it is not freezing and so she is further justifying leaving the guy she doesn't really have feelings for anymore.

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