Lyric discussion by pyritmann 

"The anti-mother is kind of a character that we came up with," Schultz said. "It's like a sub-personality that we think everybody has where there's a mother who is supposed to be someone who's nurturing and she's comforting and she's teachful.

"The anti-mother is the opposite of what a mother should be. The anti-mother is kind of deceptive and it tears you down. We feel that everybody has this sub-personality inside themselves. We, as humans, don't always make the right decisions at times so we give in to this thing that we deemed the anti-mother. A lot of the lyrical content is some stuff that we've been through where we didn't make the right choice, where we could have made the right choice. We wrote it to teach people and maybe they can learn something from our mistakes or learn something from things that we've gone through."

  • Jake Schultz (Norma Jeans' Bass Player)
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