Lyric discussion by Dixie_Normas 

This song is about one person and one person only. It's about two parts of the same person. It's written from a very interesting perspective and that is himself speaking about the part he's upset with and wants to change. He wants to end the sleeplessness, he wants time for himself, and he doesn't want to feel any guilt about making this change. The suicide machine is built for two(the two parts of himself). After they are dead he will leave behind the guilt and the two parts will become one.

From the interviews I've seen of Matt Talbot, this sort of introversion fits him perfectly and a lot of other vocal artists as well. This is a great song. All of the imagery and symbolism is there to make this song decipherable. It's not a sad song or about someone literally committing suicide. It's actually a song about looking at yourself, wanting to make a change, and having hope for the future.

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