Lyric discussion by frix 

for clear space and soundness of mind! ive let you play me for some refers that he let "something" had some force on him when he agree to live and lived on heroin one can only receive and reteain well it means something like if you got goddamned the only thing you can do to all of the damnations its retain its totally crazy because you know he did all to himself but you know heroins a big shit so it got him hooked up cuz that shit sustenance all your pain caused by the same use but the lines you recite for your gain means like that well you get to think several when your high and you think that you can be on control or something by some force.. im above over you im standing above its quite like he thinks hes a better person that the force that cause him all of this and hes claiming for unconditional love You say I made your life a living hell And yet still let me pay you when I fell it means that he made his life and this life its also like a temple for god and hes telling god that he says that he made his life a living hell and layne thought that still god would let him pay for his since like going to hell or something very sad! something that has a little hope for those who cared of layne its that in ine line he says "how is it your felling so uneasy..(well that lines not the one i refer the next one..but this means that well he feel that the relationship with god aint easy) but the next line says how is it that i fell fine "well unless when he was on heroin the heroin killed all the pain caused by the same use and unless in that time he can get some peace felling fine you know cuz heroin totally numbs your entire body or something but it gets fuckin very damn bad if you dont give up trying some rehab medicines or something because that shit destroys your entire body and organs veins and shit and well youll feel the pain and sometime heroin couldnt help you anymore so...shit laynes suffered so much hes entire fuckin life man how sad its that you got to give him some credit the man he stand it for it like a man ! he didnt killed himself he belived in living! but shit heroin got him fucked!

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