Lyric discussion by John Koutris 

This song is very clearly Axl's response to those who say he's "lost it."

It's him saying "fuck you, I'm not going to listen to you tell me that this new Guns N' Roses is worthless. I won't listen to you tell me I'm crazy. I won't listen to you call me names in the media. And I definitely won't let you tell me that I'll never put this album out and I'll never be able to reclaim my place in the music world again.

He blesses those who tried to bring him down, but he also laments the fact that he had to lose those people, like his fans and former bandmates. He's saying "I found a way", like I've finally put together this album and gotten to this point after so many years, but why did it have to be this way? "Mired in denial and so afraid". Why did I have to lose everyone around me to get here?

When he says "if we ever find it's true that we have the strength to choose, freed of all the chains, we held together", he seems to be actually opening up a window of reconciliation with his old bandmates. It's as if he's saying "Look, if the time ever comes where we can finally speak to eachother again, at least we can remember that back in the old days, we were a tight knit group."

It's a sad song about a man alone, fighting against the odds.

Perfect analysis. My thoughts are the same, but I couldn't put my thoughts together like this. Good read and excellently written.

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