Lyric discussion by sueisunlimited 

I think its about the "Moon Goddess" and her son "The God of the Harvest" Its only my opinion based on some research I have done on different religons. Hold on to your bibles folks......

The moon Goddess (Diana) and her son, who was also her lover, The Horned God of the Harvest (Pan)

Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon Let her pale light in to light up your room you've been living underground, eating from a can, running away from what you don't understand, love

(Diana must enlighten Pan and make him understand what his purpose is on earth, to bring forth the harvest)

Shes slippey, your sliding down, she'll be there when you hit the ground. Its alright, Its alright, Its alright. She moves in mysterious ways.

(Diana gives birth to pan and guides him on the earth.)

Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain let her talk about things you can't explain To touch is to heal To hurt is to steal If you want to kiss the sky you better learn how to kneel On your knees boy.

(Diana explains to Pan what is expected of him on earth, she touches him to heal his lonely heart, in return he is expected to obey by brining forth the harvest on earth, to disobey her would be like stealing from her the purpose of her giving birth to him. To please her and not hurt her he must obey her and follow his destany)

Shes the wave She turns the tide She sees the man inside the child

(The motions of the moon affect the ocean waves and tides here on earth, She shows him her power. She knows his purpose on earth)

Lift my days, light up my nights

(She guides him to fulfill his purpose. To bring forth the harvest.)

One day you will look back.... yada, yada

(Pan will come to realize why he was put on the earth and understand Dianas power)

we move through miracle days. spirit moves in mysterious ways

(Life is her gift and a miracle, someday we will also realize our purpose here on earth)


I love this song.

Don't believe me? Research it for yourself. I don't really care what you believe. It is what it is. Bibles down now. Oh and remember "THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE" before you condem me to your HELL!!

Live & Love Sue

What a wonderful interpretation! I love it, my first thought was also a reference to the Goddess. I think the song is maybe a little more metaphorical than that, where the Goddess is a woman, or woman is a metaphor for the Divine Feminine - indicated most blatantly by the line "she moves in mysterious ways" (a play on the old Christian phrase "The Lord works in mysterious ways", which is a reference that a much wider modern audience might understand); I don't think it needs to be about a specific mythology, but I definitely think that a...

you do know that Diana - goddess of the moon and the hunt was a virginal goddess, right?

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