Lyric discussion by RainbowDemon 

"Framing Armageddon: Something Wicked Part 1 tells the story of the Setians, who were the original inhabitants of Earth, and are directly descended from the "Great Architect". They are said to have nearly omniscient knowledge. Humans, who have developed space travel, invade Earth in a bid for "ultimate power and ultimate knowledge", killing all but ten thousand Setians (Invasion, Motivation of Man, Setian Massacre).

The remaining ten thousand go into hiding in the mountains in the east (A charge to keep). The Setian High Council, which consists of the twelve Elders and the High Priest, make a plan to get revenge on the invading human race (Reflections, Ten Thousand Strong, Order of the Rose). They plan to initiate "The Clouding", which involves brainwashing all the humans and making them forget their origins (Cataclysm, The Clouding). Once completed, the Setians will manipulate history by creating religions--Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.,--to further divide the humans (Infiltrate and Assimilate, Retribution Through the Ages, The Domino Decree, Framing Armageddon). Once human kind is sufficiently divided, after ten thousand years, the Setians will await, as the prophecy told millennia ago, the birth of the Antichrist, Set Abominae (When Stars Collide, The Awakening). Set Abominae will destroy all of the human race and execute the revenge the Setians have long awaited.

Framing Armageddon tells the story from the prophecy to the events right before the birth of Set Abominae." - wiki

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