Lyric discussion by Senkai 

I agree with playonwords' theory to an extent, but I think there's a lot of self-discovery in this song. Not just the way her loves perceive her, but the way she perceives herself. The helmet in the first line may refer to her efforts to protect herself, either through distancing from other people or by claiming she is stronger than she really is. Then, as playonwords said, her lovers begin to expect more from her. Once they see exactly how fragile she really is, they bail.

The verse about her friends makes me think of the typical, "Don't worry girl, you're better off without him" kind of thing. The comfort and support system: dissing the guy and praising her. But deep down, she knows that she was to blame, not him, and since they have a hard time viewing the situation with objectivity, they can't see that and their opinions are biased in her favor. Thus, they cancel each other out.

The last few verses make me think that she's found someone that finally understands her. Someone that knows how to protect her without babying her, to help herstand when she needs it instead of expecting her to be able to do it on her own. "Thought myself usual when I'm not" and "I've been different and deserving" tells me that she finally sees exactly what she's worth.

Just my two cents.

Senkai is bang on!

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