Lyric discussion by mithgil 

The crown of leaves is a symbol of ecstacy, revelry, intoxication, etc. It is associated with Bacchus, the god of said things. In the first verse, it's the morning after those events. The narrator is putting things into perspective- this is a fleeting moment.

I believe in the second verse the narrator is reflecting upon earlier days when he was younger and wilder. Now, he is alone and looking back on his past relationships. "On the shore, speak to the ocean and receive silence" is a powerful line. It could be that the 'shore' is the narrator's view of the future, and he feels alone.

I think we get down to brass tacks in the chorus: the narrator misses somebody who doesn't miss him back. He's remembering the night they had together, but knows he must "let it go". And, in the final section, he's resigned himself to his fate.

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