Lyric discussion by Vermillion Raine 

At first this song seems pretty straightforward. A guy sings about forgetting an ex. However, I've come to think that it's about the exact opposite. The man is in total denial about being over her. This becomes evident throughout the song:

"I haven’t thought of you in fifteen days and today I still won’t think of you" He claims that he doesn’t think of her, yet he has kept count of the days of such. One cannot think about not thinking about someone without thinking about someone.

“And when I call you up and you’re not home well I might not even care” He misses her and he calls her but he tells himself he doesn’t care that he cant get a hold of her.

At the end of the verse he reiterates: "Cause every day I know that I’m fine without you But I don’t think about it" but clearly he does.

"Every time I ride past your house I forget it’s you who’s living there Anyway I never see your face cause your window’s up too high" He claims that he forgets she is even living there, yet he was clearly looking to see her if he noticed the windows are up too high to do so.

"And I saw you shopping at the grocery store But I was far too busy with my cart to notice You weren’t looking at me" Again, if he knew that she wasn’t looking at him, he must have been.

Finally, "I saw that movie where the guy gets dumped when the girl goes off to find herself But I think I may have missed the end - there was something in my eye" Absolute evidence that he is in denial about how the end of the relationship was affecting him.

"But it doesn’t matter how it all turns out Cause I know that guy’ll be fine without you" As is throughout the whole song, he tells himself these things because that is what he wants to believe.

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