Lyric discussion by metallica 86 

IF it wasn't for Surf's Up I would have enver heard this song. When you go through tough times, you tend to look to music (or atleast I do) and one time only this song could heal me. Everytime I listen to this hit hits a nerve of softspots. I once had it on repeat at night and my entire dream i was listening to it and I just sat and cried in the dream coz i was overwhelmed with all this emotion.

Anyway, About the lyrics. I always like to think lyrics aren't what I think they are. That they have a deeper meaning only relevant to the artist. I think in this case raidz 12 is right. If you look at the lyrics its undenaible that his theory is valid and most probably correct.

To me, everytime I hear the verse: "Maybe you're just like me You see faces in the crowd Looking down at their feet Never once make a sound"

I think of someone who may not understand the meaning of life, but understands that it shouldnt be spent working and working, just to earn a living rather than enjoying life. And all these people have just become drones to the system and have been brainwashed to work work work and conform and all they care about is how much money your neighbour has and making sure that you earn more, so you can brag about your house.

Don't know if I'm right, but it carries alot of emotion when i interperate it that way, because that is how I feel.

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