Lyric discussion by johnny-indie 

I agree with darkfrankhs' sentiments. (Perhaps not with the suggestion that the title is a reference to a sexual innuendo, but definitely in the sense that the title refers to deception). In my opinion, this song reflects on a moment of sudden clarity experienced by the central character, upon realising that the 'love' he felt was merely infatuation, that he had mistaken for love.

'You know I still adore you But things have kinda changed'

I think a common experience for people as they grow up and have romantic relationships is the realisation that the way they feel for their partner may have changed, and in certain cases the person they are with may also have changed.

'You used to take your watch off before we made love You didn't want to share our time with anyone'

Again this is only my opinion, but it appears this song focuses also on the way people fall in love with the preconception they have of another person, more then the actually person themselves and enevitably when their partner doesn't match up, the person is left with a feeling of betrayal and disappointment.

If I had to suggest a possible reason for the title 'Trojan Horse', I'd imagine its reflects on the way in which people feel like they've been deceived or tricked by their partner when they realise that the person they once fell in love with has changed or when they fail to compare to the preconception the person already held about them?

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