Lyric discussion by anoxy 

In my humble opinion, this song has a rather deep message. "Did you hear the music Serenade from the stars"

  • On a clear night, he's laying under the starry night sky and feeling the music of the heavens cascading over him. the music, of course, can't be heard, but it's impossible to miss when you listen close enough.

"Wake up, wake up Wake up and look around you We're lost in space And the time is our own"

-A message urging others to wake up, see the beauty as it is. do what YOU want to do, not what they try and say you're supposed to. The time is OUR OWN.

"Did you feel the wind As it blew all around you Did you feel the love That was in the air" -he notices the timeless and eternal nature of the wind, and the peaceful sense of love that envelops him as the wind is all around.

"The sun comes up And it shines all around you You're lost in space And the earth is your own"

we're lost in space, the sun is just another star, the vast magnitude of space is just mindblowing. The earth is our own...hmm, I don't think that means that we own the earth. I think it means the earth is a part of us, we come from the earth, we will go back to the earth, and we live by the earth's graciousness. harm that's done to the earth will ultimately come back to us. Support Organic Agriculture!


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