Lyric discussion by angill973 

I also thing it's a tieme for peace, so don't insult people on a song that's about getting along. This song is based off of the bible, but even without getting religion invovlved, it's just saying, there are good times, and there are bad times, but life keeps turning. It doesn't stop for anyone, and you havev to go through the bad stuff for the good stuff. So, even though there's war and hatred, maybe peace is somewhere around the corner.

Anyone else find it ironic that this is the song with the most comments, and there are only twenty of them (not including this one or future comments) and yet there are horrible songs by other artists that aree just plain crap, yet they have hundreds of comments?

Someone above me said that Jesus wouldn't say there is a designated season for hate. I disagree. We shouldn't love or embrace evil, so we should hate it. Also, without hate, there can't be love. Love wouldn't be so important to find if there wasn't hate. There's more hate than love in the world, but love is stronger than hate, and hopefully it will prevail.

All the little lessons we learn in kinderegarten about compromise and getting along are lost on the way to adulthood for most people, and I just hope that there are people who still want peace.

Peace hasn't quite had its season yet, but it's day will come, hopefully soon.

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