Lyric discussion by labradogs 

This song can be broken into several different themes both literally and figuratively. I think the first verse is about being in a new city while on tour. "I found a friend or should I say foe..." possibly referring to all the people in the music business wanting a piece of you while your on top. Many artist write about this. The rest of this verse fits well with this idea.

As for the chorus... "We're only taking turns, holding this world" - a beautiful way of saying...we're here and then we die.
"It's how it's always been" - generation after generation no matter the high's and low's the world keeps spinning. "when your older you will understand" - a phrase we have all heard and can relate's beautifully to the rest of the chorus.

Second verse. "If I say who I know..." beautiful and true. Both "Take it from me we don't give sympathy..." & "But I said you and me we don't have honesty..." a look at the bitterness of life that we all face. "I try to get out, but I never will"... we all get ourselves stuck in situations that we can't seem to get out of.

And finally the end "Then again maybe you don't/won't" - Life is hard...some learn from their mistakes, some get it, and then again some don't!

Beautiful song...reminds me of "Wheel" by John Mayer. Another modern-day-poets' look on life!

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