Lyric discussion by Music_is_my_life12 

This is from Deron: This song is about a widower who just recently got married and his wife committed suicide. Recently after her death he believes that his wife is haunting him, trying to tell him something. "I hear a creaking through the door, i see you seeping through the floor" This is making the man a very uneasy person and he can't move on with his life. It breaks his heart to do it but he tells his wife's spirit to go away.He tells the ghost of her to leave him alone"Its not easy asking you to leave, cause you'll always be the only" I think that maybe the whole "now wont you take the time to cast out your regrets" part maybe the guy thought his wife was trying to tell him all the stuff she regrets doing (having an affair? maybe he found out? rough past?) but yeah thats pretty much the meaning

This is from Deron: This song is about a widower who just recently got married and his wife committed suicide. Recently after her death he believes that his wife is haunting him, trying to tell him something. "I hear a creaking through the door, i see you seeping through the floor" This is making the man a very uneasy person and he can't move on with his life. It breaks his heart to do it but he tells his wife's spirit to go away.He tells the ghost of her to leave him alone"Its not easy asking you to leave, cause you'll...

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