Lyric discussion by kamarya 

"Don't tell them, they'll only drink your tears" don't express you feeling's to them, they'll just get off on your emotions and use you "Don't do it, not in a hundred years" don't no matter what "you know it, you feel it, I do too. Just listen, something is calling you" get in touch with you INSTINCT , GUT FEELING it will tell you and let you know what's wrong and right and that "something is calling you" someting is trying to let you know that something doesn't add up "What difference do you think that it makes?if you give, or if it's you who takes?" don't try so hard and obsess over what you are offering in return to the world, it doesn't matter. there's no scale for things given and taken...

i think she is trying to warn him about a group of people who will use him since he is tries so hard to win them by being giving and she tells him to trust his instinct to push them away and notice them " the people who tries to take advantage of him" amongst the public

i'd go with kamarya., but more than that i think she's trying to say in the song is a single sentence is that... We should trust our instincts and not relly on people's impression,you simply can't satisfy everyone! It's my personal fav.

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