Lyric discussion by buckleyaic93 

First of all, this is a great song, probobly my favorite song by Jeff. The lyrics are really dark and deep. I think its about a guy who's wife left him and he drinks all the time to kill the pain. The character in the story has gone as low in life as possible and theres no way out. The subway part I belive is about him going completly crazy with nothing else to do but to muder and take his own life. Then my favorite part is about the acrobats. He is suming up the story saying, this is for all the headless acrobats, faces crushed in the circus dust, all in the name of gravity, and the price of admission. He's saying, this song is for all of the losers that are stuck down in a pit of depression and theres nothing they can do about it, (this is the gravity part). It also is saying that people love to see people get hurt, (this being emotional hurt), and they would even pay to see it done. Then he repeats beautifull loser, meaning that he is stuck at the end but he is still a good person.

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