Lyric discussion by Monopatinista 

What a simple, sad song. I'm not really sure if it's about anything particular - my guess is that Gary simply put these words together because he thought they sounded beautiful. However, a few of the lines seem to have some meaning. The first is 'I could walk out and just impress myself', which to me suggests that Gary has decided that he no longer needs to perform on stage to impress thousands of fans; this album was of course released soon after Gary had announced his retirement from live music. 'I dream of rumours like a favourite pastime' - this suggests how hurt Gary was by the harsh critiques to which he was subjected by the British press, and how obsessed he later became with chasing commercial success. The line 'This celebration makes me crawl away and hide' to me reflects his rejection of celebrity and, again, his retirement from the stage. This is a really amazing song. In fact, the whole Dance album is my favourite effort from Numan. Although it is strange that the title track of the album is one of the few that doesn't contain the word 'dance'.

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