Lyric discussion by TheBloodiestCadaver 

I just watched 2001: A Space Odyssey... let's leave my opinion of the film out of this.

At any rate, the ending of that movie reminded m a lot of this song. spoilers The end of the movie seemed to refer to a universal power, an energy that has the power to do amazing things. The character at the end of this movie is put on his deathbed by this power, and then he becomes what many fans of the film have referred to as a "star child." This, coupled especially with the lines "Millions shapes and colors are storming inside your mind/Creating information/Forming universes without walls" seems to describe the latter portion of the movie and the power of this force well. Honestly, who know what the hell that movie's really about, but it definitely seems to be about life, death, and creation, like this song.

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