Lyric discussion by calendar girl 

I think what it means is he was kind of playing a game at love..telling her what she wanted to hear, buying her things, making her happy, promising her a beautiful future and he thought this would keep her hooked and where he wanted her..he thought she would always be there for him when he wanted cause he tried so hard to hard to do the love game in the way to win what he wanted from her, in a way that seemed great on the surface and in words but she saw deeper that it was a sham in regards to that which he did..his actions, in fact, he just took her for granted getting to the point he didn't show up much, didn't explain why or try to make it up to her..just assuming he had done enough before to keep her there. He stopped trying so hard but still did not expect her to ever leave him.

But when she decided she was not going to put up with that kind of treatment and said to break it off, it was so unexpected that it drive him nuts.

What he had taken for granted now became what he wanted more than anything.

He obsesses over the whole thing now replaying and rethinking it all over and over in minute detail, where he went wrong, how it hurt for her to say goodbye to him, all the good times they had had which he threw away..over an over it is all he can think about when before he couldn't give her the time of day ignoring her for long stretches. His whole insides are in an uproar and nothing seems right.

The last few lines are the hardest to may mean he decides to kill himself or maybe that he will never get into a relationship again and flee and avoid relationships for something less painful like throwing himself into some endeavor or job or something or that this has changed him forever and she isn't as important now as is the deep change that he underwent as a result of what happened and his role in it and lessons from it..but basically he will never be the same whether he runs away through death or through closing himself off or drinking or whatever...he is now changed.

But he must escape and's kind of like first he ran from her and now he must run from himself but the re is nowhere to run to get away from himself and what he has done.

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