Lyric discussion by music1994 

This probably sounds off the wall to a lot of people, but..

for me and some other people with bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder that I've spoken to, it represents the cycle of our manic/raging periods and the aftermath. First part: manic, raging, impulsive, hyper, 'invincible', picking fights, burning bridges

Second part: the come down, the realization of what we've done and where we are, who we are, what is wrong with us. the soul searching part. Rain represents despair to me. This is the part of the inevitable downturn that comes from destructive phases like before.

Third part: The dissociative part. the depersonalization part. at this stage, we "numb out", feel empty, don't feel much of anything. we just exist. stare at the wall. we don't feel human anymore, our minds have shut down. they call it a coping mechanism for too much pain, and it probably is.

this probably means something very different to everyone else but it's really close to my heart, although I'm pretty sure that the band didn't intend it that way.

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