Lyric discussion by brian_james 

Anyone who thinks this song is actually about John Travolta hasn't read the goddamn lyrics.

The song is about some hypothetical gimp, with no arms and legs, who does drugs to escape his reality. In his drug-induced hallucinations he fantasizes about being a celebrity, that's why he's Hitler and Swayze and Trump AND Travolta.

All the lyrics support this interpretation (contortions that he can't recall, etc) and the only reason anyone would assume it's about John Travolta is that his name appears in the lyrics and was once the title.

@brian_james interesting point, I know u wrote this a while ago, but there is a possible way that this is about travolta, because swayze and trump were both dancers and actors, the lyrics show, at the very end, there all dancing and what ever. Also his twitching brain can dance with in gyrating more like gelatin. I'm not sure, I'm only 14 you are probably right. none theless I love the song.

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