Lyric discussion by fern_fairy 

When he says "the back of your eyes look like my mothers" I'm thinking that when he looks into her eyes, he's looking up at her, admiring her as a boy might his mother. Also this could mean she feels like home to him, warm and comforting.
As for "when we talk you're like my brother", that's more about a relationship of equality, a friendship with a person that you connect to, that gets you, it's more evident not when he stares at her but when they talk, share, communicate openly- they're on the same level.

I was also wondering if maybe this song is from the perspective of having already lost her to another forcing a choice to travel and see 700... leaving her behind, but still keeping an eye on her from a distance, watching her develop into a more beautiful person, but next time he gets the oppurtunity he won't lose her to another, like he laready did before.

In the meantime his life feels like it's a haze, not sure where he's going and who will come his way "carlights in the driveway" and that question always on his mind "where we gonna go from here" rethorically he wonders, not because he doesn't know what to do but because the answer is not in his power, he'll have to wait and see.

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