Lyric discussion by lilithinlondon 

Hm. There are things about this song that remind me of part of the story of "Everything is Illuminated", written by Jonathan Safran Foer... there is a part where Safran, his grandfather, has a long love affair with a (completely unsuitable) Gypsy girl but is engaged to his rich neighbour. He becomes happily married, his lover commits suicide. Now this may not be much by itself, but: a) Safran the character has a dead arm that he uses to pleasure the majority of the population of the village - which he's willing to give away to see his lover again - "I would saw off..." b) there is a tradition in the village where men must dive for sackfuls of gold - as in "gold in the water, and under the water" c) he decides to go for "a life of decency" with his wife rather than run away with his love, never to return. d) Love is like a dirty whore - subdued to the conveniences of society, essentially.

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