Lyric discussion by j0keman 

I interpreted the "guns we know" line as more of a political statement in general. More comenting on how Governments, particularly the US uses military means rather than specifically citing the Iraq war. If it wasn't Bush, its likely we still would have found a military solution to 9/11.

I think "Now decided, which liar you trust and which one chose our fate. Fed in time as a choice we think we're making" is a telling line. It perfectly encapsulates the hopeless feeling of the American voter trapped by bi-partisan politics with politicians (the liars) caring for their bases rather than the nation in whole.

The last section of the song can also be applied further than simply to the war in Iraq. Take the Palestine/Israel war that has been raging for thousands of years or back to the crusades where violence was carried out in the name of religion. "We call upon god for which killing's permitted, and then brag out loud that our side made the grade" highlights the hypocricy of religious bases, christian or otherwise, which have tenets of "thou shalt not kill" and the like, yet are often the most passionately violent.

anyways, I like this song, shame there's so few posts

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