Lyric discussion by ZeeKnowsItAll 

Cover art for Jetsetter lyrics by Morningwood

It's about a small hometown girl who just recently became famous (probably a singer) who constantly has to ride a jet ("jetsetter" means a rich/famous person who has the privelege of riding in jets to go places on a daily basis) to go to her tours. The song is written from the girl's perspective in a letter to her mother. It also talks about how people do drugs at the parties after the concerts and the girl watches people going at it in someone's bedroom.. She sleeps around (lots of one night stands) and guys want to marry her because she's rich and famous but she hates it because they dont love her, they only love her money.. So in conclusion, it's a letter from a famous girl to her mother while she's in her underwear in a hotel room talking about her life as a jetsetter and watching people do drugs and have sex and taking part in those sorts of things. Guys want to marry her for her money and she's getting sick of people who dont actually care about her so she wants to go home.