Lyric discussion by soccerplayer10 

i think everyone has been said pretty much..such an amazing song, to me it's about this guy whos saying that he doesn't wanna be jsut one of them u know. like he's telling the girl that even tho this is over he wants her to remember him and even tho they'll enver be together again she must know that he would do anything to mkae her feel better cause he jsut loves her , it seems liek they've been going on and off and finally the time has come, that's how im feeling right now, this amazing girl that i know we've been on and off and the last time i talked to her she basically hated me for hurting her .. ia sked her for another chance but she enver gave me hope so i decided to jsut walk away and erase her from my life..i will always remember her and i wish i could tell her that if i lived amillion years i will always be there for her but i know it's too late :/..good song tho.

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