Lyric discussion by barney18 

I'm getting a total cycle-of-life feeling from this song in a slightly older time. The first verse makes me picture friends gathered together at a dance hall discussing things of the time and the main character taking a girl home and getting her pregnant. The second verse seems clear in that its talking about child birth with the wet clown/cloud coming out to women in green gowns and being put in the nursery in a crib with curtains that have dogs on them. The next verse makes me think of a child with problems with homework, teachers, and overall teenage dissatisfaction. The last verse makes me think of a young man having to deal with providing for himself and dealing with the real world, until this girl knocks and they get "silly" and wait for the fruit of their relations to "turn into something."

i had no idea what this meant before reading your explanation, but it really makes sense now.

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