Lyric discussion by kari71686 

This song focuses in on a seemingly trivial moment, but waking up to one you love, in the morning, when all seems perfect, before the day starts and reality happens, is a moment that the writer wants in slow motion and can be revisited again and again throught this song. He's been waiting so long to be with this women, its an epiphany of true love.

Further, this song can be related to Milton's Paradise Lost in the scene where Adam wakes to Eve and watches her sleeping peacefully. Its a celebration of love between a man and a women in its purest form. And a celebration of women and their beauty, holding men captive at times.

This song was influenced by Jimi Hendrix in the opening melody and is said to have begun the whole hard rock era with bands like Led Zeppelin and glam bands of the 80's. Clapton uses the wah-wah pedal and produces a gritty sound in his interpretation of a classic blues scale.

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