Lyric discussion by WorldInferno67 

This song is saying to me that each side to a war, to conflict or aggression, has its own justification, and to each side of the war there will be the media or a rock band, a "voice of the people" to publicize the outrages of war, for their own sake of getting fans and loyal listeners. White People for Peace, white people telling us why the war is wrong who really don't give any reason to what they say. Their words, their protests are pointless, and it doesn't change the fact that the battle rages on. When our own soldiers are telling us that this war is without reason, the only people who pretend to do anything about it are well-off white people and bureacrats who don't do a fucking thing to change the situation. The battle goes on and on and on, but when will it finally stop, when will someone finally end it?

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