Lyric discussion by vulgar 

i think this is just about teenage friendship and how as you near adulthood, you begin to fear venturing into the "real world".. you long to stay with the same people, because "this world is burning". you and your friends realize that in your lifetime beyond what you have so accumulated so far, you will all love, lie and cry.. but that as time goes by, it will fix your "broken bones" and "snap around your fingers", as a memory of all those you once loved as a teen. but even as "the tide is rising", you long to fit in as much as you can while it lasts.

i think this song perfectly describes the last year of highschool, for most kids.. a lot of the time, you will never see your most of your friends again in your lifetime so it gives you an urge to develop a lasting connection with anyone possible.. anyways, this is an awesome song.. i agree with dustfinger, probably the best on the new album

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