Lyric discussion by Caphon 

I somewhat get an idea of this song being about the nazis. Like jews being stuck in camps, "tied to the fences they break you". And like the scarecrow imagery for the defenceless Jew. And a shepard kills for survial = allied forces. And wolves imagery for the nazis.

I know I'm wrong, but before I knew what the song was really about.. that's what it made me think of.

@Caphon I can sort of see where you are coming from. Shepard to me would normally evoke thoughts of religion more so though, that is the Lord is our Shepard etc. Also tied to the fence like a scarecrow ... think crucifixion. However, given the context of the song if it was of a religious matter, it would be the religion that was to "blame" ... as you'd argue their religion bred the hatred.

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