Lyric discussion by msr123 

Yeah it's definately not a tribute to Jeff Buckley, it was recorded in 1963 at Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin' sessions (it wasn't released until 1985 on Biograph), he played it 2 nights later at a show at Carnegie hall - appearently those are the only times he's played this song.

The line 'Lay down your weary tune, lay down' Dylan heard in a hymn - 'I heard the voice of Jesus say / Come unto me and rest / Lay down thou weary tune, lay down'. Also the structure of the song is appearently based upon a song from Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings.

The actual content of the song is based on one of Dylan's first LSD trips, connecting this tune in his head to his surroundings - resulting in some amazing, surreal imagery.

This is one of my favourite songs of Dylan's, it's a shame it was take out of the album The Times They Are A-Changin', not only because i like it so much but it does show the start of a new direction in his creativity and career.

Bob didn't use drugs to write songs. He said so himself many times. It's an insult to his work to say that the wonderful imagery coming from this song was simply a result of drugs.

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