Lyric discussion by Taruto 

I've always thought of this as an "out of character" song from Angra but it's undoubtably my favourite. The story you can paint behind it is amazing. Even if the vocals are quite dry and possibly quite "stale", this only added to my vision - I pictured a weak character, on literally their last legs before dying. I've always seen it as the story of somebody dying from some kind of illness; their partner knew it all along, and didn't tell them they were going to die. As they lay dying, while they can't forgive their partner for not telling them, they still love them, and while they can't forgive, they realise why their partner kept it a secret. My favourite lines, and definately the most emotive, are "Why's the clock even running? If my world Isn't turning" and "Put my hands on my Bleeding Heart". These lines sum up the song completely.. a broken heart, life running out, their world stopping.

One of the first songs to inspire me, and probably, with the most influence. While this song is depressing and mentally weakening.. I'll never stop loving it.

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