Lyric discussion by Xim 

Dammit.. c'mon people. This song is awesome. More comments!

Personally, I think the "mother" theory is bullshit. The song's much more than just about some random girl. Like with all New Radicals songs, this song is chock full of social commentary. The whole "social security numebr" bit sums it up. When Gregg is singing "we just can't get enough," I think he's referring to the way in which people, mostly Americans, just "can't get enopugh" of, admittedly, very shallow and material THINGS. Cell phones, fancy cars, clothes, et cetera. It's not just about some god damn "relationship" his mother disapproves of. To go that route would be oversimplifying the song and the lyrical greatness of the New Radicals. They're not some cookie cutter pop band, singing empty songs engineered to suit the masses by some big record company. That's everything they're NOT.

I have way more to say about this song, and the band, but it's late. I'll just close with this: the New Radicals are NOT a "one hit wonder band." This song is proof. Everything they touch is gold, even if they only have the one album. Whenever I hear someone call them that, I wanna punch whoever said it in the face. It's the greatest insult. Who decides what makes something a "hit" anyway? By how much it's played on the radio? By how much money it makes? Is money the greatest thing we as humans can accomplish? THAT'S what this song is about. Hell.. maybe I've been brainwashed too..

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