Lyric discussion by circusjuggler 

I think the use of the adjective 'slaughtered' and the nouns 'fur' and 'hide', which refer normally to animals, show how voluptuous this woman is! And, on these lyrics, she is simply justifying all her attitudes for having fun with her own sexual desire and when she says that "we've got the hemo-dynamic connection" she meant we all have this 'burning' blood inside of us or yet we all are human enough to surrender to our deepest sexual desires. And she doesn't hesitate anymore in answering back who treat her as 'an inferior person' because of this ("Don't call me germ / Swallowing my pride no longer").

Regarding the word 'dread', I assume it's used for meaning she's still looking for stronger emotions on her life. I think she is the kind of woman who loves 'wild' guys...

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