Lyric discussion by the_riv1977 

To me he's just been introduced to someone he knew years ago and all of a sudden all these memories come back and now that he's thinking about it he can't stop thinking about it. It's so crazy when that happens. I think The Walkmen and Hamilton have turned this universal but also under-rated feeling into an amazing song.

Without any exaggeration, I can honestly say that this track contains what is (at the very least) ONE of my favorite lyrical couplets ever. Particularly considering Hamilton is generature known more for his seizure-like stage moves and signature vocal strain than his lyrics (which are often more of a mood-setting tool than a literal message)his perfect description of crippling nostalgia stands out all the more.

"I'm a lucky guy now, But I'll never know until it's gone.

Yeah, I never know until it's gone."

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