Lyric discussion by foo55 

this song makes perfect sense to me now or atleast its taken a new meaning

i always thought it was about sex because of the 'i try to make you late' lyric, but i never listened to it all too clearly.

"everybody makes mistakes but i feel alright when i come undone you are not making me wait but it seems alright as long as something's happening"

he made a mistake to piss off this girl and while trying to reconvene the relationship shes being difficult with it but he doesnt care since shes giving him a 2nd chance.

"get your payments from the nation for your trials and tribulations"

i think what this means is shes a fucking attention whore and wants/has everyone feeling sorry for her.

i connect too well with this song when i take this meaning

this makes sense until...

"everybody makes mistakes...but it seems its mine that always keep on stickin."

so he does care, god bless james murphy. he knows he fucked up, but hes sick of having that forced into his relationship.

i always thought "get your payments..." basically meant,take your bullshit and go somewhere else.

Not a "break-up song", but "on the precipice of break up" song.

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